Converse Converse Brochure Brochure Bachelor Bachelor MBA MBA
Manager en hôtellerie
European Bachelor of Management in Hospitality & Tourism
Directeur en hôtellerie
European MBA in Hotel & Tourism

Study hotel management at the Vatel School in Brussels

Hospitality school Vatel in Brussels, capital of belgium and of europe

Vatel Brussels is the home to over 400 students, in its modern and functional facilities. Drawing on the city’s international outreach, our School gives courses in English to students whose level in this language was deemed to be sufficient in the entrance exam. For those whose level still needs improvement, Vatel Brussels created a specific French/English bilingual program, with extra English courses so that students will be able to take courses in English by the end of their studies.

The School is located in the heart of the city. The luxury goods shops on Avenue Louise are just a few minutes away, as are the city’s historical districts.

École hôtelière Bruxelles
École hôtellerie international Bruxelles
Ph. : +32 (0)2 535 70 73


  • Manager en Hôtellerie Internationale(1)
  • European Bachelor of Management in Hospitality & Tourism(2)


  • Directeur d'Hôtellerie Internationale(3)
  • European MBA in Hotel & Tourism(4)
(3) Level 7 at RNCP. (4) Eurhodip level EQF 7 qualification
Directeur d'Hôtellerie Internationale


  • 12 classrooms 
  • 1 study hall 
  • 1 conference room 
  • State-of-the-art equipment and IT tools in all classrooms


Vatel Brussels has signed partnerships with internationally known hotel chains, for its practical application curriculum. Students do their practical application courses in Restaurant services, Housekeeping and at the Front desk in 3 to 5-star hotels.


  • Intranet Vatel
  • Part-time jobs (banquets or receptions)


Students can take advantage of the European Health Insurance Card or decide to have individual insurance, in compliance with Belgian laws.


Fully furnished luxury apartments in the building next to the School for 2 to 3 people: equipped kitchen, washing machine, WiFi internet access, concierge and video surveillance.

École hôtelière Bruxelles École hôtelière Bruxelles

VATEL Brussels is a private establishment which prepares for RNCP titles, certified by the French State. The institution and the diplomas are therefore not recognized by the French community in Belgium.

Tuition fees for Vatel Brussels, Belgium

Registration 350 €
Admission Bachelor year 1 11,760 €
Admission MBA year 1 11,8800 €
Foundation year 11,760 €
Passerelle Program* 1 980 €
*Students with a Bachelor’s degree and without any prior knowledge of the hospitality industry must take the 8-week Passerelle Program at Vatel.

Living in Brussels

Brussels is a cosmopolitan, dynamic and welcoming city, the hometo all European institutions. Over 30 nationalities work here andafter finishing work or on weekends, they get together in one of themany restaurants, cafes, or museums in the city.Ideally located in the middle of Europe,in just a few hours you can reach all major Europeancities by car, train or plane.

Living in Brussels

Find my Vatel campus

Lily, ambitious
Noah, adventurous
Rajesh, hyperactive
Miriam, versatile
Birgitta, optimistic
Thomas, cosmopolitan