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Revenue Management

MBA Specialization in Revenue Management

Revenue management guarantees the profitability of a tourist or hotel establishment. This MBA specialization provides a 360° view enabling you to sell a service to the right client, at the best price and the right time. 

This discipline, also called yield management, aims to increase an entity’s turnover through an agile pricing strategy. It is evolving constantly and also includes marketing elements, so students consider the full scope of the establishment’s sales activity.

Spécialisation MBA : Revenue Management

Qualities required to train in Revenue Management

Holding a key role in the hotel and tourism sectors, the revenue manager is a strategist. They have the ability to stay constantly informed about the news and market. This discipline, which blends revenue strategy and business skills, therefore requires prior training in technical skills such as:

- Reservation management
- Hotel and financial management
- Business law and taxation
- Retail tools
- Basic sales and marketing techniques

In addition to these skills, the agility needed to work in such roles also calls for the following qualities:

- Creativity and curiosity 
- Detachment and constant self-questioning
- Good communicator and explainer
- Team player
- Initiative and risk taker

Revenue Management specialization program

Although the role of revenue manager has always been key in the hotel business, there was no proper training course in the discipline that resulted in a qualification.

Vatel Lyon trains students in the secrets of this fascinating role, courtesy of teachers with a perfect understanding of the hotel market.

Students take the Revenue Management specialization in year two of the European MBA in Hotel and Tourism.

It is taught by industry professionals who are experts in the field. Students are therefore already operational when they start their internship in January. The classes, workshops and scenarios run for four months (September to December) and cover the following program:

  • Mastering channel management and pricing policy
  • Design pricing strategies and optimize sales
  • Analyze and create reporting tools
  • Put in place a commercial action plan
  • Be introduced to new technologies, online reputation and social media
  • Design a business plan and provisional budget
  • Strengthen your proficiency in Excel

The curriculum includes six hours of interactive lectures spread across the key modules covering the Revenue Management discipline.

In their final week, students (in teams) take part in a complete business case. They work on a theme spanning all the content covered during the course.

End-of-degree internship of the MBA with Revenue Management specialization

During the six-month internship that completes their degree, the future graduates apply what they have learnt to date. The interns hosted by the school’s partner tourist and hotel establishments are therefore operational.

Students who have taken the MBA specialization in Revenue Management possess all the core skills for their future roles.
Some of them do their internship in an independent hotel, but the possibilities are vast. Interns may choose between:

  • Furnished accommodation renta
  • Palaces and hotel chains (with Accor or Louvre Hôtel, for example)
  • Consultancies
  • Campsite chains
  • Leading car club operators, etc.

One day is also devoted to revenue management in spas and other, non-hotel/restaurant categories. Through this immersion, students gauge the importance of this discipline, and understand its utility in numerous sectors.

Career options after the MBA specialization in Revenue Management

After specializing in revenue management, graduates can join:

  • Independent or franchise establishments
  • Large hotel complexes (often in an RM department)
  • Hotel chains
  • Consultancies

In an independent hotel, the yield management position is generally combined with the role of Reservations Manager or Deputy Manager. A Revenue Manager can quickly move up to a general management role. In recent years, the position has also given rise to a new job: Revenue Analyst.
Does the role of revenue manager feel right for you? Don’t hesitate to request our brochure.

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