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Experiential Tourism Management

MBA specialization in Experiential Tourism Management

Travelers are no longer only seeking a destination. They want a truly immersive vacation, a distinctive change of environment so that they have an unforgettable experience.

Creating precious and unique memories is the whole purpose of experiential tourism. The MBA specialization in Experiential Tourism Management prepares future managers to implement sales and marketing strategies tailored to this new demand.

MBA specialization in Experiential Tourism Management

What is experiential tourism?

This concept is rooted in the imagination, the emotions, the pleasure of discovering or embracing exceptional experiences:
Some trips offer a wider array of possibilities for travelers seeking authentic, immersive journeys. This trend for “a different kind of travel” is growing stronger all the time. Besides the desire to relax and switch off, clients want to step into the everyday life of local people and their environment.

The objective of an Experiential Tourism Manager is therefore to offer explorers an exclusive opportunity. The manager curates new tourist products and services aimed at generating new social, intellectual, emotional and spiritual experiences.

Qualities required to train in experiential tourism

Designing an immersive journeys from A to Z, so that travelers can discover the world in an authentic way, demands the following technical skills:

- A grounding in Hospitality and Intercultural Management ;
- Knowledge of Tourism Economics ;
- Fluent business English ;
- Notions of commercial law ;
- Basic communication and marketing techniques ;

Being involved in the search for exceptional experiences also calls for certain human qualities:

- Being service-minded and a good listener, which are key to understanding clients’ expectations
- Having a passion for how experiences are staged, which is important for excelling in the art of making travelers feel amazed 
- An interest in nature and exceptional sites (sea, mountains, etc.)
- A flair for storytelling, which is a big asset for stimulating travelers’ imagination and ensuring they are spiritually engaged with the proposed experience

This specialization in Experiential Tourism Management is suited to people who are interested in new approaches and ready to step out of their comfort zone. If you are an adventurer who is attracted to other ways of life, then this challenge is made for you!

Experiential Tourism Management specialization program

This MBA specialization in Experiential Tourism is delivered by Vatel’s hospitality management school on Reunion Island.

Vatel students doing a European MBA in Hotel and Tourism can spend their fifth year of training on this intensely stimulating island. You will learn to design a tourism offering that fully satisfies clients’ expectations.

Our program includes modules such as:

  • The advent of the experiential concept
  • The features of the experiential offering
  • Building the experience from first research onwards
  • Running the customer experience
  • Running the experience (essential dimensions)
  • Building an experience in three stages
  • The determinants of individuals
  • Physical environment
  • Factors influencing the traveler’s lived experience

After this course, students will have a stronger grasp of the new expectations of consumers and will be aware of the transformations needed to adapt offerings in a competitive way.

Vatel offers excellent degree programs in the fields of Hospitality and Tourism. You can enroll at a Vatel hospitality management school after gaining your high school diploma, and study for a Bachelor of Hospitality Management.

Internship in the experiential tourism sector

To consolidate your skills, the MBA specialization in Experiential Tourism Management ends with a six-month management internship. Reunion Island combines an outstanding natural heritage with a wealth of cultural diversity. It is therefore an ideal testing ground for experiential tourism.

Interns can use Vatel’s network to find a host establishment. We prioritize countries that could be receptive to community-based tourism, because the students’ challenge will be to convey a major positive impact on mentalities and the environment.

For their internship, they will thus be able to join a committed establishment in a country witnessing richly diverse development, such as Ecuador, Kyrgyzstan, Peru or Morocco. Interns will be able to train in producing a circuit or an experiential activity that engages all of the senses. This will be their first real chance to offer travelers the experience of a lifetime.

Career options after an MBA specialization in Experiential Tourism Management

Students with an MBA specialization in Experiential Tourism Management will be able to work in all roles in the Hospitality and Tourism sector (in French):

They may also set up their own travel agency specializing in experiential tourism or become an International Hotel Director to offer this type of service.

If you want to explore new markets and be a tourism trendsetter, don’t hesitate to request our brochure.

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