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International Wine & Spirits

MBA specialization in International Wine & Spirits Management

For students wanting to work in hotel and fine dining establishments where wine has special importance, this specialization is the ideal pathway. It is also useful for people who want to develop a career in oenology and Horeca beverage activities or to develop their personal knowledge.

MBA specialization in International Wine & Spirits Management

Qualities required to train in oenology

For this specialization, there are no prerequisites related to the wine world. Students take the International Wine & Spirits Management specialization in year two of the European MBA in Hotel and Tourism.

To embrace a career in wine & spirits management requires an understanding of market realities and what companies need. Distributors and importers expect staff to understand the international wine market

This career direction therefore calls for:

- A keen interest in fine dining and the vine & wine sector
- Mastery of risk management
- Sales and communications ability
- Knowledge of business law
Business English (and other languages if possible)

The personal qualities sought after in this sector are open-mindedness, sociability, curiosity and creativity.

The MBA specialization in International Wine & Spirits Management is taken by students wanting to develop their theoretical and practical skills in the spirits sector.

International Wine & Spirits Management specialization program

Located in the heartland of the world’s greatest wines and brandies, Vatel Bordeaux is the perfect campus to pursue a top-quality pathway in this field.

MBA spécialisation Vins & spiritueux

Its International Wine & Spirits Management specialization covers technical knowledge of wines and spirits and the management of vine & wine activities. It is orchestrated by highly-expert teachers, who ensure the course is deeply attuned to the professional world.

The program comprises more than 270 hours of classes, with the following modules:

  • Management of Horeca beverage activities
  • Marketing, distribution and sales of wine & spirits
  • Tourism, promotion & events
  • Language of wine & spirits
  • Vine & wine law
  • Strategy for international expansion of wine & spirits

Internship in the wine & spirits sector

The curriculum includes a six-month professional internship. The world of beer, wine and spirits continues to offer business growth in France and the international market. You will therefore have a multitude of internship options.
You can approach:

  • Restaurants
  • Hotels and palaces
  • Wineries
  • Wine retailers
  • Merchants (négociants);
  • Mass retailers
  • Event operators (exhibitions, wine fairs, etc.)

In addition, the campus professionals will be on hand to provide support and help you realize your professional project. Having a B class driving license is an advantage if you envisage working for a wine estate.

Career options after an MBA specialization in International Wine & Spirits Management

The Wine & Spirits specialization offers plentiful career opportunities across hotels & restaurants, trade/retail and events. Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of positions you could hold:

MBA spécialisation Vins & spiritueux

  • Export Manager
  • Wine & Spirits Merchant
  • Brand Ambassador
  • Mass Retail Buyer
  • Sales Manager
  • Communications Officer
  • Events Manager
  • Wine Tourism Manager
  • Founding Partner
  • Business Development Manager
  • Wine Retailer / Sommelier
  • Oenologist
  • Chef de Rang

The MBA specialization in International Wine & Spirits Management delivers up-to-date and pragmatic training. It will give you access to a fast-changing sector that drives change in practices, in line with modes of consumption.
Does the wines & spirits sector excite you? Consider a pathway at Vatel Bordeaux. Don’t hesitate to request our brochure.

Jeanne Gaillard – MBA 2021

I really enjoyed this specialization, which was an opportunity to learn about all of the different professions in the wine world. There was not only the WSET to pass, but also all of the subjects were adapted to the wine world, which was really interesting. In addition, the workshops and vineyard visits organized were exciting and as it happens, we would have liked to have had even more of these.
My theoretical knowledge of wine is very useful in my current role. I am a wine consultant-sommelier at the Grande Épicerie, of the Bon Marché group, in Rive Droite (Paris).

Mathew Maslen - MBA 2019

This specialization was a fantastic experience. The key thing for me remains the network, which continues to provide me with lots of new contacts in the wine and spirits sector.
With the knowledge I acquired, I have been able to satisfy the demands of the profession, the etiquette of the establishments in which I have worked, and the expectations of clients.

Ornella Clotès – MBA 2020

Vatel’s Wines & Spirits specialization helped me define a career plan. I came out of my studies with a passion for the sector in which I have the good fortune to work. Not to mention the knowledge and know-how I gained throughout my course. And now, I am the Events & Accommodation Manager at Château de L’Hospital.

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